Monday, March 8, 2010

Rewarding Success

Here's a picture of the US economy that is shocking (from the EPI, Economic Policy Institute):

As that astute economic observer -- Jesus -- noted two thousand years ago:
Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. Mark 4:25.
I have a problem with this social philosophy. If the rich get more and the poor less, the poor eat dust and the rich dine as gluttons. Society's fabric is rent. Discord and revolution result. That is not a path I want to tread.

I'm big on progressive taxation, a clawback from the rich to help redistribute the goodies so that the economic game can continue. My justification? The children of the poor deserve a chance. They didn't choose their parents. They need a fair start which means government intervention to provide education, health care, and a wholesome economy in which jobs can be found. Anything else is to condemn the innocent to a blighted existence.

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