Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Krugman Says to Put All the Chips on the Table

Here is an excellent bit of advice from Paul Krugman's NY Times blog:
By this time next week we’ll have seen huge headlines about health care. These headlines will either read “Democrats do it!”, followed by various Republicans and their apologists complaining that what the Dems did wasn’t nice, or “Democrats — losers again”, followed by Republicans going bwahahaha.

And it’s up to a handful of Democrats to decide which headlines we get. They’re out of their minds if they don’t choose door #1.
It is sure looking like Door #1, but from a long life of watching politicians rescue defeat from the jaws of victory, I'm still afraid it might be Door #2.

Meanwhile I'm chuckling at all the caterwauling by Republicans about the "unprecedented" parliamentary tactics of the Democrats. Yep... the very same "precedented" tactics used by the Republicans. But in politics, that was then and this is now... and of course the two are incomprehensibly different, especially from a "principled" standpoint.

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