Friday, April 4, 2008

A Little Dowd of Wisdom

In talking about Barak Obama Maureen Dowd made a point that resonated with me:

... the most intriguing thing about the speech in the National Constitution Center here, near the statues of the founding fathers who signed the document declaring that “all men are created equal,” was not even the part about black and white. It was the new color that Obama unexpectedly wore: gray.

A little disenchantment with Obama could turn out to be a good thing. Too much idealism can blind a leader to reality as surely as too much ideology can. ... But Saint Obama played the politics of character to an absurd extent. ... Leaders don’t need to be messiahs.

I've always had a weakness for the Greek term of sophrosyne, moderation. A gray is a nice midpoint between the extremes of black and white.

Oh... and talking about middles, what about this odd fact noted by David Sirota? He calls it the "race chasm" where states in the middle of the black/white extreme vote for Hillary while the states with black/white extremes go for Barack:

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