Thursday, April 17, 2008

Evolution, Schmevolution!

Everybody has heard of the knock-down drag-out battle between religion and science, the evolutionists and the fundamentalists. Boring! But...

Here is a nice series of videos of a lecture given by Ken Miller, professor of biology at Brown University. It gives an excellent account of how the "intelligent design" theory has tried to pawn itself off as an alternative "scientific theory" and get its books placed into American schools. This lecture is especially interesting because:
  1. he is a professor of biology who "knows his stuff";
  2. he delivers the goods and succeeds brilliantly in knocking down "intelligent design" despite the fact that he is a religious guy;
  3. he provides an "exposé" on how ID is just "scientific creationism" by another name;
  4. he provides a several good examples of how science answers issues like "missing link" and "irreducible complexity" are phony arguments from the ID/"scientific" creationists;
  5. he has a delightful style and excellent presentation, so it is entertaining as well as educational.

There are two more videos in this series but #7 goes into boring details about Texas textbook selection and #8 has been corrupted by some jackass who put an obscene picture of himself at the very end of that video. So I've not included these two here.

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