Friday, September 3, 2010

A Nationalist Tramples the Idea of Sovereignty

Funny. Right wing politicians stress traditions and are usually nationalists. But it appears that Canada has a Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, who is the opposite of a nationality. He is a "closet American" and is busy figuring out ways to give away Canadian sovereignty away.

Here's a bit from an article in the Montreal Gazette:
The Harper government has quietly presented a bill in the House of Commons that would give U.S. officials final say over who may board aircraft in Canada if they are to fly over the United States en route to a third country.

"Canadian sovereignty has gone right out the window," Liberal transport critic Joe Volpe told The Gazette in recent telephone interview. "You are going to be subject to American law."

Bill C-42 amends Canada's Aeronautics Act to allow airlines to communicate passenger information to "a foreign state" for flights over that country without landing.

At present, airlines are only required to give passenger information to the U.S. government on flights landing in the United States.

Bill C-42 would comply with the U.S. Homeland Security's Secure Flight program, which requires that airlines submit personal information about passengers 72 hours before a flight's departure. Secure Flight has already been introduced for U.S. airlines, and Homeland Security wants to implement it internationally, including with Canadian airlines, by the end of this year.
Go read the whole article and weep for a Canada this is no more. Canada has just become America's bitch. America an now do with Canada and Canadians as it pleases. And of course Canadians have no reciprocal "rights". We will be like the abused wife of a control freak: condemned to hunker down in the home and hope 'hubby' doesn't come home with an 'attitude' or any 'suspicions' that we've been 'unfaithful'.

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