Friday, September 3, 2010

Lunatics Run the Asylum

Here's a video of a news report from Arizona that demonstrates the kind of right wing crazy -- Jan Brewer, the govenor of the state -- abuses her responsibility to the voters by ignoring the press when they ask "inconvenient" questions. Instead, she does what all right wing crazies do: she sticks to her "talking points" and hammers home an ideology while ignoring facts and annoyances like "the press" and "the little people":

It is pathetic to realize that people will vote for a person in public office who feels no responsibility to answer legitimate questions at a public debate or in a news scrum. Pitiful!

It is awful to believe that people believe that a person with this kind of pathetic "performance" at a public debate is competent to run a state government:

It is hard to imagine a more disturbingly robotic -- broken down robotic -- performance from a public figure. But this is what the right wing nuts in Arizona proudly have chosen to lead them. Yes, this is the woman who has put SB1070 into effect as the "law of the land". A law which has been blocked because the courts find it unconstitutional. But despite the protestations of the right that they "love the Constitution" and that they "love the law", they have an agenda and in order to cram it down the throats of others they are more than willing to ignore Constitutional rights. That's the "leadership" the above mis-wired robotic politician provides to Arizona.

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