Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stolen Elections

The turmoil in Iran is over a stolen election.

Sadly, that is nothing new. Elections are stolen everywhere and all too frequently.

Here is an article in Rolling Stone by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. over the stolen Presidential election of 2004.

Here is an article in Salon that reviews various books charging that the 2000 Presidential election was stolen.

In 2006 the Mexican presidential election was highly suspicious and there were street battles over the stolen election.

The Iranians are living in a long and sadly checkered history of stolen and fraudulent elections. No country is immune. The elite in power never want to yield power, especially if they are feasting off the body politic by looting the treasury or stealing public funds.

I hope the protestors can prevail, but history shows they have a brutllay uphill battle to fight and win. I wish the luck and fortitude.

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