Thursday, June 18, 2009

Militia Thugs

Today it is Iran where the militia runs rough shod over students at Tehran University:

In 1989 it was Tianamen when the "People's Army" opened fire on thousands and killed who knows how many. see it here.

And, for me, the militia in Iran is reminiscent of May 1970, Kent State, when militia opened fire on students at Kent State killing four:

See more here.

May 1970 was a bloody time. There was also the Jackson State killings.

The beating and killing of students in 2009 is over a stolen election. The beating and killing of students in 1989 was over a demand for democracy by students in Tiananmen square. The beating and killing of students in 1970 was over a mindless war without end that was suddenly escalated by Nixon in his infamous "Cambodian Campaign".

History is an endless cycle. Those in power quash the young and idealistic. But hope springs eternal. In the struggle between the new and the old, between freedom and repression, the battle line surges and retreats. It is the ebb and flow of life.

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