Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Next President of the US

Sarah Palin corrects 200 years of inaccuracy and lies that were passed off by the liberal elite as “history”...

This is the choice of the idiot right, an idiot who can make them feel good about themselves. She thinks she is ready for "prime time" because of her "deep" understanding of the US Constitution and the hagiographic history of the US. It is that insouciance for fact and truth which makes her so beloved. Oh, and I guess the fact that she figured 2 years as Alaskan governor were more than enough. To heck with the electors who thought they were getting the full 4 years, but she didn't think they needed to know that 2 were enough for her. If the idiot right in the US gets its wish and elects her, I wonder what other "surprises" she has in store for them!

Update 2011jun05: Palin continues to show all the wrong qualities for President. In this Yahoo! News report she refuses to accept that she made a mistake:
Potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin stood by her skewed version of US history Sunday, insisting patriot Paul Revere warned British soldiers along with Americans ahead of key revolutionary battles.

Palin had put her foot in it this past week when, during a tour of Boston where Revere lived in the 18th century American colonies, she offered a history lesson that didn't quite match with the history books.

Revere, she had said, "warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free."

Revere, a silversmith who helped set up an elaborate signaling system, was celebrated for his "midnight ride" in which he alerted Americans to an impending British attack -- "The British are coming!" is the cultural catchphrase attributed to him.

It is not commonly believed, as Palin asserts, that he was warning the British that they couldn't seize US weapons.
Do American's seriously want to have somebody with their finger on the nuclear trigger who can't admit an error and recall the missiles once launched? Do Americans really want a president who confuses Canada with Libya and sends the troops into Canada to "kill the dictator"? Am I the only person who sees a problem with putting an idiot in charge?

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