Sunday, June 19, 2011

Funny! Funny!

I don't usually watch Fox "News". I treat it like a sexually transmitted disease and stay as far away as possible, but when they put on one of my favourite political comedians, I couldn't rush over fast enough to watch...

At 9:00 the real heart of this interview is presented. Chris Wallace thinks Jon Stewart yearns to be a political commentator. Jon Stewart tries to make Chris understand that he wants to be a comic who does political material and is willing to lampoon both left and right. But Chris Wallace is such an ideologue he only sees Jon as attacking the right. This is excellent. It shows how an ideologue filters reality and just can't see what is right in front of their nose. Their politics blinds them to reality. This is a perfect example!

I also love 18:30 where Stewart summarizes his most basic disagreement with the Obama administration: he put the same guys back in power who created the financial mess! That's right. That is exactly what is most infuriating about Obama. He may be sympathetic to "the little people" but his economic policy is 100% bought and paid for by Wall Street through their money under the table to him. Tragic.

I like the fact that Jon Stewart tries to remain genuine, open, and honest through the entire interview. Chris Wallace has an ideological axe to grind and doesn't really hear what Stewart is saying. But I also agree with Stewart the Chris Wallace was hired by Fox "News" to be "the adult in the room" compared to the other bozos that Fox "News" has an anchors and commentators.

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