Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Doomsday Scenario Cult

Here is a new entry into "scared the pants off people" contest...

I reject the thesis of this video. These specialists shouldn't be scaring people about something that (a) only happens every 100 or 200 years and (b) is a problem on large scale at which an individual is helpless. This is the porn of doomsday nuts. If you want to "alert the public" to ARk STORM through scaring people with these scenarios is crazy. You might as well also scare them with:
  • Global nuclear war. This is still a real threat. So lets reinstate the "duck and cover" drills for schools. The weekly air raid sirens. Have constant "testing of the emergency broadcasting service". And send kiddies home with literature to convince their parents to go into a massive building program to put air raid shelters in every backyard.

  • Put out continual health system warnings about "the coming global plague". Epidemiologists assure us that it is inevitable that some new disease to which people have no natural resistance will jump the species barrier. It will be like the native Americans when small pox arrived. Death rates of 50% or 80% are very likely. Better be prepared for the complete breakdown of the infrastructure as bodies litter the street.

  • Have people prepare for an astroid impact. It will happen some day. It did 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs. An asteroid will someday strike earth and destroy civilization as we know it.

And I could go on...

This is all nutty. There is no point of putting fear into people about extremely rare events for which there is nothing that an individual can do to "prepare" for it.

On the other hand, this is an excellent example of the purpose of government. A large government has the resources to hire brilliant minds to think about these threats, come up with scenarios to deal with them, and propose cost-effective techniques to lower the devastation that such freak events would cause.

But there is absolutely no point in scaring the public. The above video is pure "doomsday porn" put out by twisted minds that love to think about how millions might be killed. Real people, ordinary people, have more pressing concerns. They need to get on with the daily life.

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