Sunday, September 6, 2009

Recovery in Sight

You don't hear much from the Obama administration about "guiding the economy to a safe landing" or "being on track in the plan to achieve recovery". Maybe this graph holds the secret:

Click to Enlarge

Then again... maybe the Obama administration is so busy dealing with "real" emergencies that they don't have time to waste on the economy:
  • Town hall meetings erupt in vicious name calling in which Obama is compared to Hitler because he wants to provide health care to everyone. Proud Americans have had enough! They want to die in back alleys in utter destitution like their patriotic forebears rather than in a government-provided clean white bed with doctors and nurses in attendance.

  • The people have caught wind of the evil plan by the government to set up Death Panels that will pass Solomonic judgments on who shall live and who shall die. Americans are known for their religious fervor and they would rather pray to the Insurance Corporation gods for divine redemption rather than have to crawl on their bellies to some government bureaucrat!

  • Big Brother will beam a "presidential education message" directly into the brains of helpless students. This un-American ploy by Obama must be stopped. Real Americans are proud of the fact that 30% of its high school population have realized that a high school graduation certificate is nothing but "a lousy government document" that implies a cowardly acquiescence to the dictates of Washington. Right-thinking brave young patriots drop out of school at the highest rates in the world because they don't want to be indoctrinated by Obamanomics or Obamacare or Obamadrama.
With the leadership of the government dealing with such serious issues raised by Republican tea party patriots, nobody expects Obama to waste time on trivia like jobs for Americans or silly schemes to revive economic life. Not when real politics is in play!

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