Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

Here are two very entertaining, but very educational videos:

Dan Gilbert: How we are deceived by our own miscalculations of the future given at a TED conference in July 2005. Gilbert is the author of Stumbling on Happiness. A book very worth reading!

Dan Ariely: Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (sometimes) given at a TED conference in February 2009. Ariely is the author of Predictably Irrational. A fine and interesting book to read.

I find them interesting because they both address the issue of decision-making. But the first is a psychology professor and the second is a behavioural economics professor. There is no decision-making professorship. Managerial science will teach a bit of decision-making. Mathematics has a speciality in decision-making. Funny, the stuff is scattered a little here, a little there.

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