Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mud Wrestling

Here is Nora O'Donnell wresting with Liz Cheney over whether "Torture" is "torture" or "TORTURE" is "Torture" or if torture-lite is really torture...

I love the way Cheeny argues "It can't be torture because we do this to our own people as part of their training!".

With that logic, nuclear fallout can't be dangerous because the US purposefully exposed US troops to nuclear fallout in the late 1940s and early 1950s to "test" its effects on troops.

Her logic is perverse.

What I find amazing is that the level of "discourse" is boiling. The US is fracturing yet again. The dialog is collapsing into shouting matches. Intellectual intolerance is on the rise because the right is selling a kind of moral blindness.

I'm not big on the right, but I can be sympathetic with another daughter of a big cheese Republican, Meghan McCain. I can respect her desire to rebuild the Republican party because she comes across as not an ideologue, but somebody with a viewpoint that attempts to be inclusive. I don't agree with her politics, but I can respect her:

I don't know much about Liz Cheney, but from the above clip, I have no respect for her. She comes across as deaf to moral discourse and the need to see both sides of an argument. In the end you have to take a side and defend it, but Cheney shows no ability to understand the complexities of ethics and acting in the world. She comes across as having a cartoon vision of us "good", them "bad" and therefore anything goes.

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