Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Obama's War

This is a bit from Thomas E. Ricks' The Best Defense blog that best sums up why Obama's 'strategy' for Afghanistan won't work:
A year ago, he said, for every one Allied soldier killed, wounded or captured, some six Taliban were. Now the ratio is 1:1. "This means the Taliban gave as good as they got," he observes. "During all of 2008 the kill ratio never was so close. This should be unacceptably embarrassing news for the Coalition."
The US needs a kill ratio of 20:1 or a 100:1 to make this war 'sustainable'. It isn't the American people will not allow a president to sacrifice citizens at a 1:1 ratio to kill crazies in Afghanistan. They will support bombing the hell out of Afghanistan after any and every attack from militants in Afghanistan, but they won't support 'nation building' when it requires 1 American death for every Taliban death.

Obama was not honest with the American people. He gave a fine speech, but that's just a politician's words. The reality is that Afghanistan is unwinnable. The US needs to back off and rely on ruthless retalliation for every attack rather than fielding troops as occupiers.

Meanwhile puppet governments around the world that have been corralled into supporting the US are seeing their politicians annihilated in elections. People do not like seeing their country turned into puppet states forced to do the US's bidding. It worked for a while when the shock of 9/11 was still raw, but people's patience has worn threadbare. They are tossing out politicians that dance to Washinton's tune. Stephen Harper be warned!

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