Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Clouds & Climate Change

The global warming crowd has completely ignored the growing evidence that the sun influences large global temperature changes via a mechanism of cloud formation. As the sun goes quiet, the magnetic field dies down allowing cosmic rays to reach into earth's atmosphere creating more clouds which reflect the sun's radiation and thereby cooling the earth.

Here is a talk by Jasper Kirkby at CERN presenting the current state of research and the CLOUD project he involved in:

At 28 minutes into the talk he shows that CO2 has no major influence on earth's temperature, i.e. that the focus on the "global warming" crowd is fundamentally wrong.

At 37 minutes into the talk he shows evidence of fraud (or incompetence) in the global warming data since there is a divergence between what the ground stations are reporting (after "adjustments" by the global warming crowd) versus what the satellites are reporting.

This video is damning because it shows that politicians have been spurred to act on a fiction and it shows that research money has been wasted in the expensive and useless global circulation models while more fundamental research into the physics of climate have yielded very large results for very small dollar investments. (In other words, just "investing" in research is not an answer because that research can be wasted. Advances in science and technology are useful only if they follow real leads and are not goose-stepped along a prescribed direction that reflects some predefined "preference" of some cabal who are controlling the research.)

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