Saturday, November 14, 2009

Breathless Green Reporting

I get very annoyed with people who fly around the world demanding that people cut down on their use of carbon-based fuels. Here's a bit from Thomas L. Friedman in an NY Times article:
Without a new system for economic development in the timber-rich tropics, you can kiss the rainforests goodbye. The old model of economic growth will devour them. The only Amazon your grandchildren will ever relate to is the one that ends in dot-com and sells books.

To better understand this issue, I’m visiting the Tapajós National Forest in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon on a trip organized by Conservation International and the Brazilian government. Flying in here by prop plane from Manaus, you can understand why the Amazon rainforest is considered one of the lungs of the world. Even from 20,000 feet, all you see in every direction is an unbroken expanse of rainforest treetops that, from the air, looks like a vast and endless carpet of broccoli.
His one trip put more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than I do in a year, but he doesn't worry about that. He's on a crusade to change others, not himself. So he picks up perks like a free trip to the Amazon paid for by a "green" non-profit as a bribe to get him to write the article ranting that others need to limit greenhouse gases. This is like a priest who's banging several of his females parishioners while getting into the pulpit every Sunday to berate his congregation for this lust and licentiousness. I hate hypocrites. Friedman is a hypocrite. He didn't need to be flown to the Amazon to "discover" the facts he so breathlessly reports.

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