Thursday, August 6, 2009

How About a S-L-O-W Economy?

You've heard all the health benefits of "slow cooking"? Why not try it on the economy...

You too can participate in creating a s-l-o-w e-c-o-n-o-m-y... just follow these instructions:

Personally, my prejudices run the other direction, i.e. toward global integration and facilitated trade with everybody. I believe in the "one big happy family" economy under the theory that "those who trade together don't make war with each other". I think history shows that urbanization and sophistication have led to trade and tolerance. That's the way to a happier, safer, more peaceful world.

But I'm willing to let these guys try out their experiment. If I were a gambling person, I would bet heavily that it will die out in ten years. So in 2019 when people in western Massachusetts talk about "Berkeshares" others will look puzzled and ask "whazzat?"

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