Sunday, February 22, 2009

Groovy... Far Out... Cowabunga..

Here's a blast from the past with a dude that looks remarkably un-old as master of ceremonies...

These effects are sadly unsophisticated... how time makes us seem foolish... how time is cruel... how time makes us all "fade away"...

I enjoy the earnestness of these times. These were the icons ernestly changing things, but you can tell they were good middle class kids trying hard to politely change the system. Today, the rot is so deep that hardly anybody bothers to have good behaviour. Instead, the "me first" and "he who dies with the most toys wins" and the "greed is good" corrosion from the money-side... along with the entertainment industry's glorification of mindless violence and senseless rebellion... has turned this Jefferson Airplane performance quaintly "proper" and certainly old-fashioned.

Here's to the world of lava lamps and slo-mo...


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