Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thomas Frank's "The Wrecking Crew"

This is another excellent book by Thomas Frank. I thoroughly enjoyed his "What is Wrong with Kansas?". This is even better. He skewers the right wing nuts who have been rampant since the 1980s with Reagan. He traces them back to their 1960 Goldwaterite roots and then follows how they have consciously worked to destroy government to achieve their nirvana of a complete capitalist exploitation. He gives you the inside story of the characters who drove this revolution and the lies they have used to achieve their goals. This sad story gives you a hint of how hard it will be to recover from the destruction and how long it will take to get back to good government and an economy that delivers for all citizens and not just the top 1%.

Update 2008dec21: There is a review of this book by Michael Lind in the New York Times.

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