Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Right Marches off into the Political Re-Education Gulag

Greg Anrig at TPM Cafe has discovered the right wing signing up for self-criticism and political re-education. He has a dozen excellent quotes. Here my favourite:
P.J. O' Rourke, The Weekly Standard

An entire generation has been born, grown up, and had families of its own since Ronald Reagan was elected. And where is the world we promised these children of the Conservative Age? Where is this land of freedom and responsibility, knowledge, opportunity, accomplishment, honor, truth, trust, and one boring hour each week spent in itchy clothes at church, synagogue, or mosque? It lies in ruins at our feet, as well it might, since we ourselves kicked the shining city upon a hill into dust and rubble.
Each of these pundits should hang their essays around their necks and wear them as a ritual of self-mortification, a kind of Right Wing cilice.

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