Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How to "Correctly" Predict the Future

Here's a bit from an article in the Sydney Morning Herald on the "predictions" of Robert Boyle. This is the early scientist famous for his Boyle's Law. I get a chuckle over how this modern article "discovers" the prescience of Boyle in his "predictions" of the future:
Robert Boyle's prophetic 'wish list'

''The Prolongation of Life'' - health improvements mean we are now living longer.

''The Recovery of Youth, or at least some of the Marks of it, as new Teeth, new Hair colour'd as in youth'' - Botox, plastic surgery, teeth-capping, hair dye, transplants.

''The Art of Flying'' - planes.

''The Art of Continuing long under water, and exercising functions freely'' - submarines and scuba gear.

''The Cure of Diseases at a distance or at least by Transplantation'' - transplants and keyhole surgery.

''The Emulating of Fish without Engines by Custome and Education'' - free diving.

''Strength and Agility … exemplify'd by that of Frantick Epileptick and Hystericall persons'' - steroids.

''The Acceleration of the Production of things out of Seed'' - GM crops.

''The making of Parabolicall and Hyperbolicall Glasses'' - spectacles and telescopes.

''Making Armor light and extremely hard'' - Kevlar.

''The practicable and certain way of finding Longitudes'' - satellite navigation.

''A ship to saile with All Winds'' - boats with engines.

''Perpetuall Light'' - bulbs.

''Varnishes perfumable by Rubbing'' - scratch-and-sniff.

''Transmutation of Species in Mineralls, Animals, and Vegetables'' - synthetic biology, genetic engineering.
With this kind of "liberal" interpretation of ancient phrasing, all kinds of seers and clairvoyants can be uncovered from the dust of history. In fact, I can easily prove myself able to "foresee" the world of tomorrow and predict miracles "yet to come"!

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