Friday, January 15, 2010

Sharing the Wealth

The theory is that when you grow the pie everybody gets a larger piece. That's still true, but as the data from a paper by Emmanuel Saez points out. The pieces are growing far faster for the top 1% than they are growing for the other 99%.

That top 1% is capturing over 50% of all the income increases over the last 15 years. In a fairer world the top 1% would be capturing something closer to 1% of the income increase, not 50%. In short, the rich are getting richer and they are stiffing the rest of us. They've managed to buy off the politicians to make sure their beds are feathered.

We are not into a new Gilded Era where the rich are fabulously rich and the poor are left in the dust:

Go read the paper to get the details.

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