Friday, January 15, 2010

Documentary on 'Climategate'

Here is a one hour documentary by John Coleman on the global warming debate and the revelations about data manipulation found in the e-mails from the Hadley CRU. This documentary is good in that it presents the skeptics viewpoint and points out the errors in the global warming hysteria. It is less than ideal in that it simplifies the science and makes some statements that cause me to cringe a bit. Overall it is useful, but don't simply take this as 'authoritative'. The bottom line is that the facts are complex and the science is murky. The documentary is right to debunk the hysteria, but we now need some solid science and compromise to come up with an action plan for the future.

The key segment is part 4 that looks at the leaked e-mails from Hadley CRU:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Here's my 'bottom line':
I'm OK with conservation. If you want activism from government, then push for green technologies. And above all, root out the hypocrisy and the political manipulation. There are a lot of players in this 'game' who have a hidden agenda. Use the motto 'trust, but verify'. Don't take any one viewpoint as definitive. Test claims against counter-claims. Look to experts to help sort out the truth, but question the motivations of the experts. And, finally, use common sense. Don't let yourself get stampeded.

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