Saturday, September 6, 2008

Yet More Bombast and Idiocy

The same ridiculous posing was done by Bush:

(1) Bush talked about an "Axis of Evil" and implied he was do everything to stop/defeat it. Here's Mini-Me Bush -- John McCain -- saying "defeat evil". This is a pose. There will always be bad things in the world. You work to limited, contain, or overcome bad things, but you will never "defeat evil". Nuts!

(2) Bush said he would "bring him in dead or alive" when talking about Saddam Hussein, but he never did. Here's McCain making the same bombastic claim of "go to the Gates of Hell to get him" when you know darn well this "me too" Bush won't do any more than his predecessor.

Why are people sucked in by lies and pompous words?

What I like about Obama is that he is calm, cool, rational, says what he means, and -- I believe -- will treat his word as his bond. He doesn't make a big show of claiming that he will "do" something. Obama is of the school of "walk softly and carry a big stick". Bush and McCain are of the Ringling Brothers and the Barnum and Bailey Circus school of politics, i.e. a sucker is born every minute and all you have to do is sell them hokum.

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