The information above is intersting, but read it with a critical mind. You have to realize that Peterson milked the system for billions of dollars by working inside Wall Street... yes, that Wall Street... the one that has crashed the economy, that has spun off endless numbers of billionaires while it has hollowed out the US economy and left middle class and working people standing on the outside looking in. They are looking in on an economy that workers drove with productivity but saw their wages stagnate. It was Peterson and his buddies that milked the system to for their own benefit. You would think if Peterson was so concerned about "the country" he would have balked at his finance job that was all part of raping the economy for the last 30 years.
Unlike the stories of a government gone "rapacious" and that must be "starved" that Peterson wants to sell. The reality is that the government has given tax break after tax break to the rich which has cut revenues. Meanwhile the politicians have assisted as the manufacturing heartland was destroy by the "financialization" of America. The idea that they guys want to sell you the notion that entitlements must be cut and cut and cut is crazy. Just like the battle right now over "out of control budgets" hasn't stopped the Republicans from throwing a hissy fit demanding that the Bush tax cuts for billionaires, a tax cut that costs $700 billion over the next decade, that these cuts be kept despite the consequences to the deficit. That shows they aren't serious about deficits. They aren't serious about entitlements. They simply want to rape and pillage the economy, get more tax cuts, divert even more money to Wall Street and the big banks. They won't be satisfied until they've picked that last bone of the corpse.
So, go read about Peterson's foundation, and about Peterson himself. But ask yourself. If this guy is so concerned about the little guy. Why did he wait until he had made his billions? Why has he done his bit to raveage the economy and now suddenly paints himself as a "good guy" stepping in to "save America"? Does a leopard change its spots? Really?
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