The above is the expected temperatures for the first week of April 2009. Lots of below normal temperatures. Funny how global warming (climate) doesn't line up with expected temperatures (weather).
I accept that greenhouse gases imply higher temperatures. But I think the climate modelers have been working under perverse incentives like Wall Street. If you want to get funding for research you need to push a hot button and Global Warming has been a big red button that pretty well assures you of funding. Any scientist who wants to investigate issues that don't line up with the message -- e.g. investigations into mechanisms not leading to warming or questions about data gathering, data interpretations, modeling techniques, and physical mechanims that don't fit "the story" -- get shunted aside.
If you really want to rationally deal with the underlying science, I recommend Bjorn Lomborg's Cool It. (Here's my previous bit about this book.) He does a rational benefits versus costs analysis. That's what is needed. Not heated rhetoric.
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