Saturday, January 1, 2011

What You Get When You Vote "Downsize Government"

Paul Krugman pointed out this bit of news about his New Jersey governor, Chris Christie:
When asked about the hundreds of people trapped in their homes for days, Christie said unless they lived on state roads, it's not something his administration would have been able to change.

"If someone is snowed into their house, that's not our responsibility," Christie said.

When asked about mayors who said they were forced to divert their resources to unplowed state roads instead of clearing local roads Christie said, "I know who these mayors are and they should buck up and take responsibility for the fact that they didn't do their job."

Christie made international news when the storm dumped nearly three feet of snow in some places and he remained in Florida.
I don't understand the half-hearted right wingers. If you want to downsize government, simply abolish it. Hand out cudgels to everybody and tell them "fight it out among yourself". He who can kill or cripple the most becomes "king". That's the kind of "government" that the right wing nuts want. It is "small government" limited to one guy who has all the power and removes the burden of thinking from all the "little people". Ah... if only we could return to the good old days when kings could torture at will and jus primae noctis was the law of the land.

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