Monday, January 3, 2011

Polish Your Crystal Ball

Here are some short term future predictions that are very likely to come true. This is Dan Gross giving his list of "big trends that have now peaked"...

He is calling for people to "sell out of Facebook". Funny, just today the news is talking about this company hitting $55 billion in valuation. More than companies that create real value like Boeing. I'm in full agreement. Facebook creates very little real value. In 10 years I'll be surprised if it is worth even $1 billion. My personal peeve with Facebook is that it treats its customers like its private property. Sure they provide a service, but the cost of handing over your identity and your data to get access to Facebook strikes me as an outrageous cost. Somebody must be able to cut them off at the knees by providing a similar service that treats its customers with respect and more interest in providing value to the customers rather than exploit its users like Facebook.


  1. Most of what they said makes sense. I can relate to the computer part and now one of us has Kindle laying on the table. I wish I had never opened a Facebook account and I continually talk about closing it. It just doesn't work for me very well. I question whether the service actually brings people closer.. I liked the little interview.

  2. Thomas: A lot of new technology is "sizzle" and not "steak". People get talked into using/buying/demanding things that they don't need, or don't function as advertised, or that end up being more of a time waster than a help.

    But hype and word of mouth convinces a lot of people that some gizmo, game, or tool is a "must have". Sadly, they discover after the fact that it wasn't what they thought it would be or was more trouble than it was worth.

    I don't know about Facebook. I don't use it. But I am bothered by the fact that it walls its users off from the rest of the Internet. I can find a link to somebody's Facebook page, but unless I'm willing to "register" I don't get to see what they have. But I refuse to register. I don't like being forced to do things because a tool "wants" it. I'll register if I find something useful, but I won't register first, then find out the stuff isn't worth my time.

    Seems to me Facebook treats its customers shabbily. I haven't seen the movie, The Social Network but my understanding is that it gives you a glimpse of what a sociopath Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook, is.
