Thursday, January 13, 2011

Microsoft is the New IBM, Google is the New Microsoft

Robert X. Cringely is a smart dude whose been writing on digital technology since caveman first put chisel to rock and tapped out the first 1s and 0s. Every year he makes some very interesting predictions about technology. Here are links to his latest:

Prediction #1 - Bufferbloat will become a huge problem.

Prediction #2 - Verizon's new iPhone will be Apples white iPhone

Prediction #3 - 1.8 and 3.5 inch disk drives will die

Prediction #4 - cable ISPs won't fix bufferbloat

Prediction #5 - Facebook will create a premium service to win back LinkedIn users

Prediction #6 - Yahoo! bites the dust

Prediction #7 - Microsoft is the new IBM

Prediction #8 - Cloudburst is going to have a big let down for users in 2011

Prediction #9 - Apple's Carolina strategy is a thin client networked right out of the box to help companies eliminate IT departments

Prediction #10 - Apple will buy Time Warner Cable to implement its thin client strategy

Cringely isn't always right, but he is always interesting. He has a lot of tech elves deep in the woodwork feeding him rumours to guide his guesses.

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