Friday, December 24, 2010

Loss of Confidence in TSA

Here's a news story about a pilot exposing the fact that TSA is "security theatre", i.e. passengers are de-shoed, de-pocketed, de-belted, de-liquified, scanned, and groped before they get near a plane. But ground crew breeze through one door with a cardlock. That's TSA's idea of security. Any terrorist intent on planting a bomb on a plane wouldn't line up like a sheep to go through the specatacle of "airport security". They would simply steal a ground crew's card, then simply walk onto the airfield with his bomb! So much for "security"...

Notice that the whistle-blower isn't congratulated on spotting a weakness. No! He is haraassed and threatened, has his gun taken away, has an "official letter" telling him that "imparing the efficiency of TSA" or causing the "loss of confidence in TSA" is the real crime, not the incompetence of TSA, or the silly security theatre. The crime is spotting a weakness and a danger. The bureaucrats kill the messenger instead of fixing the problem. Yeah... like that is going to make people more "secure".

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