Thursday, August 5, 2010

How Time has Changed The Face of America

Here is a blog at the Denver Post that has a wonderful collection of full colour pictures of late Depression era United States, i.e. 1939-1943. It is a real delight to take a peek back into the past.

We live day by day at a pace that hides the changes around us. But pictures like these really force you to see how radically the last 70 years have changed things. There is real progress. The world is becoming a better, wealthier, finer place to live!

There is a picture of a store with with a sign: "Oranges 1 cent, grapefruit 5 cents". There are lots of pictures of wagons with horses. (I have a friend who remembers horse drawn wagons in Vancouver in the 1950s.)

Not many people think of Americans still living in dugout homes, but there's a picture of a family in New Mexico in September 1940 living in a dugout house.

And the Denver Post blog has a collection of pre-1950 pictures of American cities. Some of these date back to the Civil War. Very interesting.

As well, the Denver Post blog has pictures from the early 20th century of "the evil empire" before it became the USSR. Gorgeous architecture. Fascinating stuff! Sad to think how that country was wrecked and ruined for 70 years by the Communists (and then bumblingly mishandled by Yeltsin & Putin).

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