Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to Fight a War

Here's the real deal. This isn't Hollywood with the cavalry coming in a glorious charge to "win" the battle. This is how successful wars are fought in quiet little victories, small victories, one at a time. This is from Thomas E. Rick's blog The Best Defense:
I'd like to highlight one squad leader, who, along with his peers, has played a vital role in changing Fightin' Fox's area of operations (AO) over the past six months. Sergeant Lattimer, the incredibly courageous leader of ‘Fox 1 Bravo,' is on his 4th deployment; this is his third combat deployment. Sergeant Lattimer was repeatedly recognized during the pre-deployment training period for his outstanding leadership.

Here in Afghanistan his performance has been special. When the company fought on a near-daily basis in November and December, Sergeant Lattimer all but forced his platoon commander and company commander to give him the hardest and most dangerous missions. For nearly six straight weeks, Sergeant Lattimer led his squad from temporary patrol base to multi-day ambush position to the next temporary patrol base to the next ambush position. Each time that he moved his squad, he led his men further into what the enemy once considered his safe haven. Sergeant Lattimer embraced ‘Spartan' living conditions and then some, while very rarely ever going back to one of our ‘permanent' patrol bases where, at a minimum, a Marine, Sailor, and/or ANA soldier would at least have a cot (maybe), an occasional hot meal, and a steady supply of water. Sergeant Lattimer sacrificed these ‘creature comforts' so that Fox 1 Bravo could be on the hunt every hour of every day. And hunt they certainly did... from eliminating enemy fighters, to forcing other enemy fighters to quit, to tearing tens of IED's out of the ground, Sergeant Lattimer made very clear to the enemy that he wasn't welcome in the company's AO.

Fast forward 4+ months. Last week, First Sergeant Adams and I were fortunate enough to join Sergeant Lattimer's squad as he executed a late night contact patrol to one of his elder's houses. Earlier in the day and on previous occasions, this particular elder, when asked by Sergeant Lattimer how he could help, responded that his daughter and wife were sick and that he didn't have the money to bring them to a good medical clinic or hospital. With the same amount of passion that he approached hunting the enemy in direct fire engagements in November and December, Sergeant Lattimer requested a Medical Officer and Female Engagement Team (FET) to help his elder. Sergeant Lattimer's request was granted. He then informed his elder that he'd come by later in the evening with a doctor and FET. I proceeded to participate on a patrol led by one of America and the Marine Corps' "strategic" sergeants. After ensuring that security was in place outside his elder's house, Sergeant Lattimer joined the doctor and FET in caring for his elder and his family for more than 90 minutes. Needless to say, the elder was extremely grateful. In the days following this patrol, the elder voluntarily shared invaluable information about an IED cell in the area; the leader is now in jail. Our great nation is blessed to have men like Sergeant Lattimer defending it.
The problem as I see it: no large modern military has enough Sergeant Lattimer's. Too many recruits are just in it as a job and want to keep their head down and survive. You don't win by being conservative. Leaders should realize they don't have the Sergeant Lattimer's to win a battle for hearts and minds in the Middle East. The US (and Nato, including Canada) have wasted too many lives on an unwinnable war.

A democracy can call on its people to win a war when it is an existential fight-to-the-death. But to call on them to bleed slowly over years and decades in an ideological struggle in a no-win contest is foolish. It is a waste of blood and treasure.

The US did the right thing in the Fall of 2001. But after that they should have withdrawn and issued a warning: if Al Qaeda or the Taliban attacked the US again, they would be back with bigger bombs and even more scorched earth. Putting boots on the ground in Afghanistan was, is, and will be a mistake.

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