Sunday, January 17, 2010

Copyright Law Debated

Here's a good panel debating copyright law:

My personal point of view is that the balance has been moved too far toward the "rights" of corporations to milk copyright law for profits at the expense of individuals and their rights to access information.

The telling bit for me is that the "negotiations" over ACTA are done in secret. How can a democracy be a "rule of the people" if the people are denied access to what their "representatives" are negotiating supposedly for their "benefit"?

The idea of "secondary liability", i.e. that you are liable for what somebody else did, is bizarre. It is as if there is an axe murderer who lives in your section of town and the police arrest you because you live "near" the murderer and since you didn't show sufficient "effort" to stop the murderer (whose identity you didn't know and therefore couldn't have stopped) is a torturing of the law that shows the insanity behind this new push for "more copyright protection". It is simply insane.

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