Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Interview of Michael Moore

Charlie Rose interviews Michael Moore talking about his new documentary Capitalism: A Love Story. The most touching part of this interview comes at the very end when Moore talks about his disappointments with Obama.

Moore worries that the most lasting damage from Obama may be the cynicism that will erupt when their hoped for "change" never arrives. This will destroy the young people's idealism. They got involved in the 2008 election on the hope for real change. When that isn't delivered, it may gut a generation of voters. That is a true horror story.

Moore still has some hopes that Obama will deliver, but he is clearly coming to the end of his rope. Personally, I've decided that Obama has sold out to the rich and there is nothing but crumbs off the table to hope for from Obama. Sure the crumbs may be more than what Bush 43 gave the people, but it is too little. The system is showing that it is too corrupt for reform.

Moore and Rose talk a bit about a revolution brewing among disaffected Americans. For me, that would be a great tragedy. Institutional change is far, far better than a revolutionary break since so much arbitrary violence and destruction comes a true revolution. I fervently wish that Obama will break from the cronies around him that have sold his soul to the big financiers so that this fate can be avoided.

For the interview, go the the Charlie Rose web site and click on Michael Moore.

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