Saturday, September 5, 2009

Universe or Multiverse

There was a conference called "Origins Symposium" held at Arizona State University on April 3-6, 2009. This is hosted on The Science Network which holds a number of very interesting videos of leading figures in science.

Here is a nice overview lecture entitled "The Big Questions" by Frank Wilczek:

The following discussion entitled "Is Our Universe Unique, and How Can We Find Out?" moderated by Paul Davies. The participants are Andrei Linde, Alan Guth, David Gross, Sheldon Glashow, and Alex Vilenkin. Two of them are Nobel prize winners.

I like what David Gross and Sheldon Glashow present. I'm not so wild about the multiverse stuff. I have a hard time with "physics" for inherently unobservable "other worlds".

There are lots of interesting videos from this conference. Go take a look.

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