Monday, August 31, 2009

Self Deception

Here is a presentation of the US Government's argument that its enhanced interrogation techniques are not torture...

The above is an ACLU video with various people -- including film director Oliver Stone -- reading from one of the infamous Bush administration legal memos used to justify the use of torture.

For a different perspective, here's Rachel Maddow on Dec 18, 2008:

That was 8 months ago. Dick Cheney is still running around claiming torture worked and was necessary. Indeed, Cheney claims that Obama has put the US into imminent peril. Well... I don't believe a word Cheney says. And 8 years from now when there has been no attack, I'm confident that Cheney will claim that there were many planned attacks during the 8 years of Obama, but thank God Cheney had the good sense to run around telling people that torture worked because that these very words were the only thing that kept America safe!

And yet another viewpoint from Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)...

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