Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Deft Hand of a Racist

Here is a wonderful example of how an educated recist uses a deft hand to spread his blight. But he has been caught out by Amanda Terkel in a blog entry on Think Progress. Here is the key bit from the end:
Buchanan has long claimed that Hispanic immigrants are resistant to learning English and has said that it would be easier for them to “assimilate” if they did so. When writing about Mexican immigrants in 2006, Buchanan said that in contrast to Italian immigrants, “millions of Mexicans are determined to retain their language and loyalty to Mexico.” Similarly, he has also said that “the road to culture is language” and “they want to keep their Spanish language.”

So basically, Buchanan yells when Hispanics are allegedly unwilling to learn English. However, when they make an attempt to do so, he mocks them as being dumb.
Go read the whole post. Here's the video that Amanda Terkel inserts in her blog to make her point:

Terkel exposes how Buchanan purposefully misrepresents the efforts of Sotomayor (a non-English speaking immigrant) to improve her English skills. The above excerpt from Terkel's post shows just how insincere Buchanan is.

To put it simply, he is a racist who loves to play the card of "reverse discrimination" as a tool to entrench existing elites. He is slick. He isn't the ugly bigot from the 1960s who simply beat minorities with a billy club or turned the police dogs on them. Instead he uses slick language to distort reality and create the illusion that suits his purpose.

By the way, if you look at the Wikipedia entry on Pat Buchanan, you can see he belongs to "Sons of Confederate Veterans" and is an "admirer" of Robert E. Lee. Personally, I despise Lee because his defection to the Confederate side made the Civil War longer and bloodier than it otherwise would have been. I think Lincoln had it right to turn Lee's old manion into the Arlington national cemetery for the war dead because those dead should be on Lee's conscience for eternity. Anybody who celebrates a racist revolt, a breakaway to extend a slave-holding society, should be an abomination. Buchanan is a sinister force in American politics.

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