Friday, April 17, 2009

Political Enemies

The United States has become more ideological over the last 50 years. Here's a graph showing the change:

The graph and the following are from a blog entry Ezra Klein on The American Prospect website.

First he cites a comment by E. J. Dionne:
[Pelosi] also faces a Republican Party that is much more conservative and Southern than it used to be. It's easy to forget how dramatic the shift has been over time -- and therefore easy to miss how much of the current nostalgia for bipartisanship is unrealistic.

In the Congress elected in 1960, there were 174 Republicans. Only seven came from the 11 states of the Old Confederacy, while 35 came from New York or New England, the heartlands of moderate Republicanism.

In the current Congress, 72 of the 178 Republicans come from the Old Confederacy. Almost all of them are deeply conservative. There is not a single Republican House member from New England, and there are only three from New York.
Then Ezra Klein makes the following comment. I've bolded the key bit:
There's more ideological coherence across the parties. But it's always worth pointing out that polarization is the norm, not the aberration. The post-War consensus was the aberration. This graph tracking the distance between the two congressional parties tells the story well.

This halcyon era of bipartisanship was a short blip that was primarily the product of a grotesque alliance between the anti-civil rights Dixiecrats and the conservative Republicans who would eventually absorb them. There's very little to fondly recall about that.

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