Saturday, April 19, 2008

Would you Like that Poached or Deep Fried?

This brings memories back of my youth. Nothing like having your memory seared with mushroom clouds. Here is a US military video of "testing" a nuclear weapon on its own troops. These lucky fellows got to stand under the fallout and then march in and inspect the bomb blast effects while soaking up radioactivity. The "inquiring minds" of the military were wanting data on how troops could operate in a battle theatre with nuclear weapons. It is thought this was filmed at Operation Tumbler-Snapper, a series of test in Nevada in 1952. Among the interesting things to watch are the slogans the military used such as "Talk Means Trouble, Don't Talk".

This is from the Web Archive's Prelinger Collection.

Here's another video from this collection, this is the famous "Duck and Cover" film that "educated" my generation to "seek cover" from a nuclear explosion. I remember being the idiot who questioned why my class in high school was assigned to huddle against a wall right across from a big glass window. I kept picturing all the glass shards created by an explosion turning me into mush. This questioning of the wiseness of this place as "cover" was met with little acceptance from the administration. I thereby learned one of the most important lessons of my life: leaders only want you to conform, not think.

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