Sunday, April 6, 2008

Who Doesn't Love Gossip?

I love the way Maureen Dowd dishes the dirt and makes you feel you are getting "the inside stuff" when it comes to political gossip (I've added the bold):

Bill Clinton is a cautionary tale about what happens if you surrender too many cherished vices. Curtailed from Burkling, international jet-setting, cholesterol-chowing and race-baiting, Bill has gotten raspy and lost his legendary charm. He blew up at a California superdelegate who objected that Bill Richardson, a former Clinton cabinet member, was being painted as Judas because he wasn’t willing to transfer his affections from Bill to Hillary — and no doubt one day to Chelsea. The ex-prez railed against the “political elite” and said it was a “bunch of bull” that there were calls for Hillary to leave the race. In Lawrenceburg, Ind., he dubbed himself a “rural hitman” for his wife.

Churlish Bill doesn’t even follow his own advice. According to the Clinton tax returns, he gave only $1 million to charity out of the $6.3 million he made for his book “Giving” — even though his income has gone up 6,900 percent since his White House years.

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