Sunday, April 6, 2008


Here's a non-scientific "who is more beautiful" posting that shows a significant difference in responses between the sexes.

I confess I go for the left face. But the blog comments point out that the right in a "classic" Hollywood beauty of the past while the left is a more "modern" face. So it may relate more to educated "taste". I do find it interesting that his non-scientific poll shows that men go for the left 77% or 33% while women are less biased with only a 58% to 42% preference for the left. It would be interesting to see an age breakdown. And, of course, this cries out for an even more detailed analysis of factors.

Notice the fuzziness of the above poll and compare it to this supposed "scientific" report:

Amit Kagian, an M.Sc. graduate from the TAU School of Computer Sciences, has successfully “taught” a computer how to interpret attractiveness in women. Kagian published the findings in the scientific journal Vision Research.

I'm sceptical. This strikes me as the typical breathless "research report" which ends up being qualified and sometimes withdrawn as the "results" are reviewed and interpreted by other researchers. It is fun to make these breathless claims, but it all should be taken with a pinch of salt.

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