Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Global Warming, All the Scientists Agree

This is funny...

This has me rolling on the floor:
How do you know those environmental scientists are right?
They are experts!
At predicting the end of the world?
Yes. They have predicted environmental doomsday many different times.
Have they ever been right?
It's different this time. Science is much more advanced.
Isn't that always true. Isn't science always more advanced than it was before?
Yes. But now it is so advanced that it can't be wrong anymore.
How do you know?
You need to have faith.
I thought the whole point of science is that you don't need faith.
Well. This is both science and politics.
The whole thing is just too funny!

I don't like the slander of "liberals" in this video. But all I have to do is think of the trillions of dollars that Bush and his "conservatives" threw to the wind by their "war of choice" in Iraq. Seems to me that neocons "took other people's money" to fight their favourite war that ended up being a real disaster for Americans.

Oh well... it is all just in good fun, right? Especially if we spend other people's money to have our fun! Right fellow liberals & conservatives?

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